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My Soundtrack

Wrecking the kitchen. That’s what my wife says, when Daddy does the cooking. I’ll admit to using a lot of pots and pans. She gets a rare...

The Mask

She was pretty. I don’t mean to be macho, or demeaning. That’s what I remember. I meet a lot of people in this line of work. My mind has...

She's Quick

Wow! Look at that red mark on Abel's neck. Ollie must have scratched him. So serious as she spoke. She's got to be messing with me, I...

Go On Ahead

Someone has to go first. I wonder how they sort it out. Maybe it's a corporate operation. The Big Guy showed up, unannounced, this...

Mail Call

I get so excited that I can't stand it. I open my mailbox, and there it sits. A letter from the Pentagon, to me. My first thought,...

New Friends

I had a busy day, yesterday. A lot to do, and the weather was dreary, heavy rain, blowing sideways, as I left the house. I had some big...


I've watched this antler, atop this stone wall, for a lot of years, now. Dad acquired it somewhere, many moons ago, and set it here. Like...

Blog: Blog2
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